I think that winter has officially passed in Spokane!  Knock on wood, but I don’t think we’ll be getting any more snow– at least not any that sticks around.

It took a few days for Eleanor to get used to wearing shoes and walking outside.  At church she would just wear tights, and when we went outside in the winter it was always in a carrier or in the stroller. But now that the sidewalks aren’t so slick and the wind isn’t so brisk, we love walking around the neighborhood.

2015-03-03 12.19.07 2015-02-24 13.49.22 2015-02-24 13.48.07

We recently found out that baby #2 is definitely a boy!  At our early ultrasound that was the guess, but the tech told us not to “paint the nursery” or anything yet.  But even before I was pregnant this time I felt like our next baby would be a boy.  I guess I had a 50/50 chance of being right, but we’ll call it mother’s intuition ;)


At first I wasn’t totally sure how I felt about having a boy.  It’s new territory.  But I know that this little guy is supposed to be with us, and I’m excited to have a brand new little baby!  Seeing friends and people out and about with their teeny babies makes me all emotional and really look forward to having him here!

This pregnancy has been harder than the first.  A big part is that I just don’t have as much freedom to relax if I feel tired or sick since Eleanor doesn’t nap much.  And while I had a pretty easy first half of the pregnancy, lately I’ve been getting really nauseous and crappy feeling during the day.  I really feel for the ladies who get that (and even worse!) through their pregnancies.  Not fun!

This morning I watched the video below, and it filled my heart with love and rejuvenation.  It’s a beautiful tribute to mothers and the good that they can do.

Since everybody asks- Eleanor will be 19 months when the baby in due.  Yes, it will be tiring and crazy and we don’t fully understand what we’re getting ourselves into.  But it will be rewarding and good and worth it.

Sam is still plugging along at law school, his internship at the US Attorney’s Office, and working for his dad (office manager stuff for his construction business).  I’m so proud of how hard he’s working and how well he’s doing.  We look forward to having him around more after he’s done school in about a year, but he’s doing really great at trying to balance everything, and we appreciate the time we get to spend together.